Shadows of Industry

updated 29 Sept 2023 Pawtucket, RI: Shadows of Industry Thanks to Alix, we're here! The reverse of Alix's card stimulated our interest in the Pawtucket operations of J & P Coats. L ocation, location, location is the mantra of the Real Estate industry. Profit, profit, profit motivates corporate decisions. In the 19th century, cheap water power and inexpensive transportation to market gave New England manufacturing locations advantages. In the mid-20th century, however, locations in the northeastern United States began to lose their hold on industry as labor costs gave other locations, both within and outside the US, decisive advantages for those concerned with profit margins. Welcome to old Pawtucket, RI ! J & P Coats once employed thousands in Pawtucket RI. Today, its successor company, Coats, records its history on the company site. This all looks very positive, with the emphasis on growth and mergers and innovation. Anything miss...