A Journey Down Market Street
Newark, New Jersey: a journey down Market Street Where does one start? At the beginning, of course...unless you are confronted with the past and the present simultaneously. Google Street View presents you with its most recently photographed material first most of the time. As you follow Street View, however, it does not always stay in the present. It can flip from present to any of its previous images without warning as you click the arrows leading you forward. On the Google Earth map below, the beginning of this Newark series is marked by the red circle and the second point of interest is marked by the large blue arrow. Google Street View cameras went down Market Street for the first time in August of 2007, returning three times in 2012 and again in both 2015 and 2016. Newark residents don't seem to be sure what to do with their stock of 19th and early 20th century buildings. Restoration efforts along Market Street are spotty and large areas of newer struc...