Melbourne Street Art 1
All photos are copyright Google/Alphabet. Modifications by Jeff Diver via Google Picasa. Original Street View link: Color splash on Hosier Ln . Street Art Gallery: Melbourne Australia - Part 1 Thanks to Google for the cameras, to Google's anonymous photographers for their control of those cameras to +Jason Boyes for the inspiration (Boyes Collection: Street Art, Artisans & the Ramdom Muse ) and to +Enrique Alcalde Morales for the word of encouragement ...just when I needed it. Melbourne easily transmits a spirit of vibrant enthusiasm for life through its art and architecture. Downtown Melbourne has a remarkable number of narrow alleys and corridors. It is mostly along these paths that Google Street View cameras discovered the art featured here. Street View cameras and the way they are customarily handled impose limitations on the vicarious explorer. Good views are not always available for specific areas of interest. On the other hand,...